Why are women entrepreneurs missing out on funding - Executive Summary. Surya Fackelmann и др.
- Тип: Текст
- Авторы:
- Издательство: Bookwire(2020)
- ISBN: 9789286142888
- Страниц: 24
- Язык: Английский
- Жанры: Отраслевая и межотраслевая экономика, Экономическая статистика, Креатив / идеи, Российская практика, Экономика развивающихся стран, Зарубежная деловая литература, Эффективность бизнеса, Книги по экономике, Экономика развитых стран, Инновации в бизнесе, IPO, Выход из бизнеса, MBA, Экономическая география, Советы от гуру, Социология, Просто о бизнесе, Управление экономикой, Бизнес-журналы, Работа с долгами
- Описание
- Фрагмент
The study assesses the access-to-risk-capital conditions for women-driven companies in Europe in comparison to the US and Israel to contextualise emergent cross-country and regional barriers and gaps. The study finds that while women-led companies still account for a small portion of deal flow and overall volume invested, the rate of growth has increased across all the examined regions. <br/> Nevertheless, structural inequalities and persistent biases both on the supply of and demand for finance for women-driven companies still hinder the transition to a more balanced, more accessible and ultimately better functioning funding environment. <br/> For this reason the study puts forth and analyses a number of options and considerations – both financial and policy related – that could help accelerate this transition. As multiple evidence-based studies and data points show, women's economic empowerment makes not only ethical but also economic and business sense. <br/> The executive summary provides a short overview of the study's assessment, analysis and considerations. <br/> InnovFin Advisory carried out the study with support of PitchBook, complementing market data with interviews of market practitioners of the European Venture community and other stakeholders.