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Warrior Chiefs. Группа авторов

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They were the men who led our nation in war and peace. In world wars, they were the steady hands guiding our forces to victory; in peacekeeping, they helped to establish and preserve order. Over the years they have helped the Canadian Forces to become one of the proudest militaries in the world. Warrior Chiefs: Perspectives on Senior Canadian Military Leaders is the first book of a two-part series that examines the unique Canadian experience and outlook in regard to Generalship and the Art of the Admiral. This first volume is a compendium of biographies of the nation's most notable military leaders from Confederation to the post-Cold War era. Personalities include: Sir William Otter, Sir Sam Hughes, E.L.M. Burns, G.G. Simonds, Charles Foulkes, Andy McNaughton, J.V. Allard, and J. Dextraze, to name only a few.

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