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The Truth About Positive Cash Flow Property. Margaret Lomas

Купить The Truth About Positive Cash Flow Property
  • Тип: Текст PDF
  • Автор: Margaret Lomas
  • Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited(2018)
  • ISBN: 9781742169248, 978-5-04-481135-5
  • Страниц: 243
  • Язык: Английский
4299.80 руб.

Property investing has become one of the first choices for both new and experienced investors in Australia today, and a ‘property investment industry' has appeared and grown rapidly. With this growth has come an increase in the number of self-styled ‘property experts', all too keen to share their sometimes questionable ‘secrets of success'. Concerned at the number of investors she sees duped or convinced by ‘property gurus' into making dubious investments, popular bestselling author Margaret Lomas has written this book to dispel the many myths surrounding positive cash flow property investing. In her trademark engaging style, she reveals just what positive cash flow property investing is, how it works and what it can achieve. No hype, no promises – Margaret just tells the TRUTH about positive cash flow investing and how ordinary Australians can follow her advice and benefit from this form of investing too.

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