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The Sceptical Investor. John Stepek

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  • Тип: Текст
  • Автор: John Stepek
  • Издательство: Ingram(2020)
  • ISBN: 9780857196286
  • Язык: Английский
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Everyone wants to be a contrarian investor. <br/> From the hedge funds who bet against the US housing market in the run up to 2008, to George Soros’s billion-dollar bet against the Bank of England in 1992, some of the most famous and most profitable trades in history have been contrarian calls. <br/> And with the relentless growth of passive investing – investors blindly following the market – the opportunities for a smart investor to profit by betting against the crowd should be greater than ever. <br/> Yet being a contrarian is hard work. <br/> It takes patience, the conviction to stand by an unpopular viewpoint, and the mental toughness to endure being &apos;wrong&apos; for prolonged periods of time. Standing out from the crowd goes against our every natural instinct. <br/> Which is, of course, why it works. <br/> So how do you go about it? There is no single, mechanical investment approach that marks an investor out as a contrarian. Instead, you need to adopt a sceptical mindset: a flexible mode of thinking that allows you to stand back and spot when the market’s view of the world is badly out of touch with reality – and the best way to profit when reality eventually reasserts itself. <br/> In The Sceptical Investor, John Stepek, executive editor of MoneyWeek, pulls together the latest research on behavioural finance, and examples from well-known contrarian investors, to offer practical techniques to help you to spot opportunities in common investment situations, from turnaround plays to bubbles and busts, that others in the market miss. <br/> It won&apos;t make you popular and it won&apos;t make you famous. But it will make you money.

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