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The Cool Factor. Building Your Brand's Image through Partnership Marketing. Del Breckenfeld

Купить The Cool Factor. Building Your Brands Image through Partnership Marketing
  • Тип: Текст PDF
  • Автор: Del Breckenfeld
  • Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited(2017)
  • ISBN: 9780470403211, 978-5-04-481626-8
  • Страниц: 290
  • Язык: Английский
2554.29 руб.

What is cool? Who knows. But there is one thing every marketer does know– nothing increases sales like cool does. In The Cool Factor, Del Breckenfeld, a long-time marketer at Fender® Musical Instruments Corp., presents an inside look at how Fender became the coolest name in musical instruments and how marketers at Fender partnered with cool products, musicians, and events to up their «cool factor» even more. If you're a marketer, The Cool Factor offers lessons for keeping your brand on top.

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