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Stella, Get Your Man. Nancy Bartholomew

Купить Stella, Get Your Man
  • Тип: Текст
  • Автор: Nancy Bartholomew
  • Издательство: HarperCollins(2019)
  • ISBN: 9781472092618
  • Страниц: 325
  • Язык: Английский
147.98 руб.

Just once I'd like to have a plan go my way. Is that too much to ask?Smart-mouthed P.I. Stella Valocchi is finally in business, with the office and the aggravating employee–former fianc? Jake Carpenter–to prove it. And when a client with a sob story hires them to find her brother, success is one missing man away–until the search becomes hazardous to Stella's life. Threats, gunshots and car chases won't put her off the case. Neither will Jake's insistence that they be full partners–and maybe more. But the closer Stella is to getting her man, the more the case looks like a carefully set trap–and she's the bait….

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