Saving the Queen. Theophile Gautier и др.

- Тип: Текст
- Авторы:
- Издательство: Ingram(2020)
- ISBN: 9781479409778
- Страниц: 55
- Язык: Английский
- Жанры: Зарубежная драматургия
- Описание
Well-known French writer Th?ophile Gautier and Bernard Lopez combine their talents in this send-up of the cloak-and-sword dramas so popular with the Romantics. When the Spanish Queen's horse runs away with her, two unknown caballeros rescue Elizabeth from certain death–despite the fact that Spanish law prohibits anyone but the King and her closest attendants from touching her. But the Queen is not ungrateful, and Do?a Beatrix, a Lady-in-Waiting, promises to marry the unknown savior, sight unseen, if the Queen can somehow save her rescuer from the capital punishment demanded by statute. A comedy of errors ensues, with two possible suitors pressing their claims upon Beatrix–and also on the Queen! A delightful and hilarious drama that should play well to modern audiences.