Now What?. Kris Anderson
- Тип: Текст
- Автор:
- Издательство: Ingram(2020)
- ISBN: 9781607461159
- Страниц: 61
- Язык: Английский
- Жанры: Развлечения
- Описание
- Фрагмент
Black Friday was a nightmare for anyone who enjoyed playing online poker. In the midst of our great discouragement and dismay after the Department of Justice stripped us of our freedoms to play a game of skill with likeminded individuals, we need to gather our resources. This is not the time for emotional floundering. It is the time for effective plotting and scheming. I have worked through the aftermath of the most dismal period in the history of modern poker, and I believe that I have found a solid course of action. As a mental health professional, I have found myself in a unique position to not only garner the needed resilience to combat this monumental setback, but I have also discovered some conclusions that may help guide others through this current psychological mine field.