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Much Ado About Nothing: The 30-Minute Shakespeare. Уильям Шекспир

Купить Much Ado About Nothing: The 30-Minute Shakespeare
609.26 руб.

There are other “cuttings” of Shakespeare plays, but these abridgements are unique in preserving Shakespeare’s original language, creating effective narrative bridges so that audiences can easily follow the story, and providing simple set designs and lively stage directions – all “road tested” at the Folger Shakespeare Library’s annual Student Shakespeare Festival. The publishing program is also superior to the competition, with more professional page design, a competitive pricing structure in three different formats, and better visibility in Bowker, Amazon, key wholesalers, etc. These first Thirty Minute Shakespeare plays will equal the number of abridgements published by any competitor, when the next eight plays are published in Fall 2010 we will have twice as many.

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