Lizzie Didn't Do It!. William Psy.D. Masterton
- Тип: Текст
- Автор:
- Издательство: Ingram(2020)
- ISBN: 9780828322782
- Страниц: 307
- Язык: Английский
- Жанры: Криминалистика, Здоровье, Биографии и мемуары
- Описание
- Фрагмент
On August 4, 1892, an elderly couple living in Fall River, Massachusetts, was slaughtered with a hatchet. Their daughter, Lizzie Borden, was first accused of the crime, then tried for it, and acquitted of it by a court of her peers. Yet, &quot;conventional wisdom&quot; and Fall River Society have always considered Lizzie guilty. &quot;If Lizzie didn&#39;t swing the hatchet, who did?&quot; they asked blamefully.<br> Now, after more than a century, the late University of Connecticut full Professor, William Masterton, uses modern forensic and extensive research to answer that question convincingly.<br> <br> Lizzie Borden took an axe<br> And gave her mother forty whacks;<br> When she saw what she had done<br> She gave her father forty one.<br><br>The rhythm and rhyme of the refrain may be defective; the conclusion according to Professor Masterton, that Lizzie Borden may have been the killer, is not!