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How To Work Remotely. Jacqueline Jimenez

Купить How To Work Remotely
  • Тип: Текст
  • Автор: Jacqueline Jimenez
  • Издательство: Ingram(2020)
  • Серия: No
  • ISBN: 9781456634605
  • Язык: Английский
758.51 руб.

As an experienced remote worker for more than 7 years, I know the frustration of working 60+ hours a week. Staying in hotels rooms, eating dinner all by yourself in a restaurant and coming back to an empty hotel room while continue your "homework" for the remaining of the night until probably midnight.<br><br>Yes, other co-workers see you as the "Wow, I wish that I had your job!"<br>I am saying, "No, you don't want to have my job!". You get to sleep in your own bed every single night. You get to be with your significant other every night while I am all alone in a hotel room working until midnight in order to catch up with the "office/checklist" that the job requires me to complete. <br>I am doing the job of 2 employees and getting the pay of 1 person. <br><br>I am blessed to have a job that has so called "flexible job schedule" The flexible job schedule is that if I don't want to stay in a hotel on a Sunday night, I get to go to the airport and start my day at 4:30 a.m. to be able to get into the first flight to get me to Tampa or other destination in order to start my "workday" at around 9:00 a.m. with 4 different people that are waiting for me to get to that location.<br><br>In my job as a remote worker, we have another 13 people doing the exact same job but with different territories all over the United States. We had 1 Supervisor and that Supervisor had another Supervisor that she was reporting to as well. We had 2 "Trust Associates", in 2 separate locations that were assisting all of the 14 Trust Officers that were working remotely for the majority of their week. <br><br>When you were not traveling you were expected to be at your office. Let's say that I got home at around 11:30 p.m., I was expected to be back in the office the next morning at around 8:30 a.m. but my schedule was to start around 9:30 a.m. and most of the days I will be in the office until around 6:00 or 6:30 p.m. <br><br>I had a young supervisor that had no clue that most of her subordinates were not going to their respective offices but they were all working from home. She "believed" that they were going to their local office but that was not the case.<br><br>After almost 2 years of harassment, hostility, terrible relationship and communication with that young supervisor, I lost my job of 22+ years with that company. I was in that job for 7+ years with no complaints from any other team members and/or customers. The young supervisor decided that I she was going to micromanaged me to death. My story was that I ended up on a disability leave for 6 weeks since my working environment was totally toxic. <br><br>After losing my job, God had opened so many opportunities for me that I am truly blessed to be able to share my story with you today.<br><br>As we are living in an environment that most supervisors need to learn "soft skills", compassion, empathy, vulnerability, and how to deal with communicating with employees that are working remotely, I decided that I was going to write an Ebook about my history to share with everyone.<br><br>God Blessed you and keep up your faith and your dedication even when you are working in a toxic environment. God is always there with you even when you feel that you are all alone. He knows of all of your struggles and he will compensate you in ways that will create miracles in your life. <br><br>Thank you for purchasing this E-book! <br><br>Pass it one to someone that needs to hear this story!<br><br>Hugs and kisses from South Florida.<br><br>Coach Jacqueline Jimenez<br><br><br><br><br>

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