How to Make Performance Evaluations Really Work. A Step-by-Step Guide Complete With Sample Words, Phrases, Forms, and Pitfalls to Avoid. Glenn Shepard

- Тип: Текст PDF
- Автор:
- Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited(2018)
- ISBN: 9780471745778, 978-5-04-481296-3
- Страниц: 162
- Язык: Английский
1836.63 руб.
- Описание
- Фрагмент
The motivations and values of the newest generation entering the workforce are different from those of previous generations. You may be baffled about how to motivate or connect with this new generation. Learn how to modify the evaluation process based on the values of the new generation in How to Make Performance Evaluations Really Work. You'll find step-by-step guidelines for evaluating and motivating employees, learn what mistakes to avoid, what the legal pitfalls to watch for, and get numerous sample ready-to-use evaluation forms and sample phrases you can use as is or customize and make your own.