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Giving Wings to the Soul. Dennis Ngien

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  • Тип: Текст
  • Автор: Dennis Ngien
  • Издательство: Ingram(2020)
  • ISBN: 9781498271455
  • Язык: Английский
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A sequel to A Faith Worth Believing, Living and Commendation, Giving Wings to the Soul is the compilation of Dr. Ngien's sermons or speeches, devotional and theological reflections. The materials continue to provide Bible-based, thought-provoking theological, spiritual, and pastoral insights to issues of topical interest. Devoid of complex theological jargon, and crafted with an earthy relevance, Dr. Ngien shows us how to preach doctrinally, apologetically, and pastorally in a way that is clear, readable, and laudable. Reflecting his extensive ministry and academic rigor, his work will instill thirst in a seeker's hearts, and grounds the believer's faith in timeless truth, ultimately giving wings to the soul.

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