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Etiquette Guide to Korea. Boye Lafayette De Mente

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  • Тип: Текст
  • Автор: Boye Lafayette De Mente
  • Издательство: Ingram(2020)
  • ISBN: 9781462900237
  • Язык: Английский
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Farewell to faux pas! South Korea is one of the greatest economic success stories of the past 60 years, and more and more Westerners are traveling to this bustling, modern country for business and pleasure. But no matter why you visit, an understanding of Korea's etiquette and culture is essential to an enjoyable and successful trip. With Etiquette Guide to Korea, you'll never need to worry about making an embarrassing mistake. This authoritative guide covers everything the courteous traveler needs to know, including the importance of names and how to use them, shaking hands versus bowing, table manners for celebrations and everyday meals, and how to negotiate in Korea. Also included are invaluable lists of Korean vocabulary and helpful phrases, making this book the most important item you can pack for your trip or extended stay in Korea.

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