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Echoes of Contempt. Bruce D. Thompson

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  • Тип: Текст
  • Автор: Bruce D. Thompson
  • Издательство: Ingram(2020)
  • ISBN: 9781532655111
  • Язык: Английский
1442.61 руб.

Echoes of Contempt is an engaging and vivid account of the tragic history of the church&apos;s relationship with Jewish communities over two millennia. <br/> Beginning with the Jerusalem house church, the book traces that history through medieval pogroms and the Parisian salons of the Enlightenment, right up to the present-day focus on the Israel/Palestine conflict. <br/> Drawing on a wide range of sources and his own extensive knowledge, the author shows that, far from being something new, Judeophobia is a recycling of misinformation, prejudice, and hatred. The old lies are echoed in the present at political rallies, church conferences, and in classrooms. <br/> While the book is accessible to those who have very little previous knowledge of the subject, it is well-researched and retains a sophisticated approach. <br/> It is more than a reminder of the church&apos;s complicity in the centuries of contempt that led to Auschwitz–it is a call to action. It will challenge many to think again.

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