Cubicle Envy. Geoff Jarok
- Тип: Текст
- Автор:
- Издательство: Ingram(2020)
- ISBN: 9781456616359
- Страниц: 260
- Язык: Английский
- Жанры: Контркультура
- Описание
- Фрагмент
In the cubicle building blocks of American industry, April of 2009 brought workers little more than meeting requests to pull them away from barely hidden job searches and online gambling losses on their 401Ks.<br><br>Product Wave, Ltd., a global software company headquartered in Massachusetts, was just as rife with frustration, dotted among endless rows of cubes, as any company withering in the recession. The difference was that the workers were still engaged hoping for a turn-around. In fact, their efforts were so outstanding it earned them an indefinite salary and bonus freeze. Most employees were so busy worrying about the economy that they didn&#39;t notice management had authorized bonuses to be paid…to management.<br><br>The bigwigs would&#39;ve gotten away with it, if not for those meddling accountants. Long a disregarded entity within the halls of Product Wave, the rambunctious accounting team was given a chance to make noise by management&#39;s misstep. Follow them as they find friends and enemies across the corporate landscape, while making certain the bonus check goes nowhere, but back into the pockets of the cube dwellers who earned it. When the whistles stop blowing maybe the bottom line comes out a little differently than expected. <br><br>Cubicle Envy is an offbeat look at a corporate world flush with cheeky office workers, rogue accountants, and middle managers just trying to get some work done so they can get out before 9:00PM.