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Construction Law. An Introduction for Engineers, Architects, and Contractors. Gail Kelley

Купить Construction Law. An Introduction for Engineers, Architects, and Contractors
  • Тип: Текст PDF
  • Автор: Gail Kelley
  • Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited(2018)
  • ISBN: 9781118360750, 978-5-04-476595-5
  • Страниц: 312
  • Язык: Английский
14747.57 руб.

For a construction business to function properly, architects, engineers, and contractors need to understand how the various state and federal laws affect their business and how to avoid disputes and exposure to liability. This book offers a comprehensive review of the US legal environment, both criminal and civil, focusing on the key legal concepts and issues applicable to a typical construction project. Construction professionals will find clear, concise introduction to a wide range of contractual issues related to project participants, as well as issues related to the actual construction and litigation.

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