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A Message for Abby. Janice Johnson Kay

Купить A Message for Abby
  • Тип: Текст
  • Автор: Janice Kay Johnson
  • Издательство: HarperCollins(2019)
  • ISBN: 9781472063571
  • Страниц: 275
  • Язык: Английский
171.97 руб.

PATTON'S DAUGHTERSThe people of Elk Springs, Oregon, thought Ed Patton was a good man, a good cop, a good father. But his daughters know the truth….Abby's the third Patton sister. The baby. The one everyone said was privileged, spoiled. But a childhood with a harsh unapproachable father and only vague memories of a mother wasn't easy. Even if she did work hard to make it look that way.Now Abby's determined to live up to her image and have fun. Until she meets Detective Ben Shea, a man who's plenty serious–about his job, his life and suddenly her.Maybe, just maybe, it would pay to get serious.

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