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Virginia Woolf: The Complete Works. Knowledge house и др.

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THE NOVELS The Voyage Out (1915) Night and Day (1919) Jacob&apos;s Room (1922) Mrs. Dalloway (1925) To the Lighthouse (1927) The Waves (1931) The Years (1937) Between the Acts (1941) <br/> THE &apos;BIOGRAPHIES&apos; Orlando: a biography (1928) Flush: a biography (1933) Roger Fry: a biography (1940) <br/> THE STORIES Two Stories (1917) Kew Gardens (1919) Monday or Tuesday (1921) A Haunted House, and other short stories (1944) Nurse Lugton&apos;s Golden Thimble (1966) Mrs Dalloway&apos;s Party (1973) The Complete Shorter Fiction (1985) <br/> THE ESSAYS Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Brown (1924) The Common Reader I (1925) A Room of One&apos;s Own (1929) On Being Ill (1930) The London Scene (1931) A Letter to a Young Poet (1932) The Common Reader II (1932) Walter Sickert: a conversation (1934) Three Guineas (1938) Reviewing (1939) The Death of the Moth, and other essays (1942) The Moment, and other essays (1947) The Captain&apos;s Death Bed, and other essays (1950) Granite and Rainbow (1958) Books and Portraits (1978) Women And Writing (1979) 383 Essays from newspapers and magazines <br/> AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL WRITING A Writer&apos;s Diary (1953) Moments of Being (1976) The Diary Vols. 1–5 (1977-84) The Letters Vols. 1–6 (1975-80) The Letters of V.W. and Lytton Strachey (1956)  A Passionate Apprentice. The Early Journals 1887-1909 (1990)  THE PLAY Freshwater: A Comedy (both versions) (1976)

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